AWonderJunkie Podcast – A Deeper Look at the Psychadelic Renaissance

A WonderJunkie podcast Ryan interviews Dr. Dan Engle about the use of psychedelics as medicine and the challenges of scaling this approach. Dr. Dan Engle is a psychiatrist with a clinical practice that combines aspects of regenerative medicine, psychedelic research, integrative spirituality, and peak performance. Dr. Engle shares his background in medicine and psychiatry, as well as his personal experiences with ayahuasca and traumatic brain injuries. Dr. Dan talks about the importance of integrating the shadow side and addressing the potential risks and challenges of scaling psychedelic therapy. Also in this conversation, Ryan questions the medical model and the challenges of scaling the therapeutic model as well as the potential for harm if not done properly. Ryan points out some of the issues with MAPS and other organizations that he feels should be brought to light. Listen to the podcast here

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