The Weekly Integration Calls Are on Hold

Update from the team:

The weekly calls are currently on hold.  However, you can listen to past calls below.  To stay updated on Dr. Dan’s future offerings, and when the weekly integration calls may resume, please sign up to receive his newsletter.

In short, the focus on these live-stream seminars is the process of Becoming a Whole Human during this time and the variety of ways people go about experiencing this emergence.

We talk about the process of integrating transformative experiences that can come from a variety of personal practices.

These can include:

  • meditation
  • plant medicines
  • psychedelic therapy
  • breath work
  • etc.

On these calls we anchor our trust in the process that our greatest teachers can present as our biggest challenges, and that what is uncomfortable to the ego can still be orchestrated for our benefit.  Through this awareness, pain can turn to power, trauma to healing, contraction to expansion and fear to faith. During radical times of change, radical faith is oftentimes required.

On the calls, we discuss the variety of personal practices that can support growth, authentic power, resiliency and personal mastery, as well as how to use these practices to form the foundation for greater harmony and fulfillment in life.

Just like snowflakes, grains of sand and leaves fallen from the same tree, we are all individuals.  Your journey will be your own. As we each become more aware of our own personal truths, our own personal path to wholeness and happiness becomes more clearly realized.  And while each path is unique, there are commonalities that we can all share. One of these universal truths I have found to be consistent, is that kindness makes this journey easier.

When you join our calls, set an intention; have a question in mind or something to focus on.  This can be anything meaningful to you, like how to better listen to your own inner wisdom, how to better navigate a personal transformation process, how to clarify your life’s vision and see the best path forward, how to live more authentically, and more.

Then let it go, surrender to the process, drop any expectations and open up to experience how the conversations may help support you coming into deeper, meaningful contact with your own inner knowing.


We talk about the process of integrating transformative experiences that can come from a variety of personal practices.

These can include:

  • meditation
  • plant medicines
  • psychedelic therapy
  • breath work
  • etc.

On these calls we anchor our trust in the process that our greatest teachers can present as our biggest challenges, and that what is uncomfortable to the ego can still be orchestrated for our benefit.  Through this awareness, pain can turn to power, trauma to healing, contraction to expansion and fear to faith. During radical times of change, radical faith is oftentimes required.

On the calls, we discuss the variety of personal practices that can support growth, authentic power, resiliency and personal mastery, as well as how to use these practices to form the foundation for greater harmony and fulfillment in life.

Just like snowflakes, grains of sand and leaves fallen from the same tree, we are all individuals.  Your journey will be your own. As we each become more aware of our own personal truths, our own personal path to wholeness and happiness becomes more clearly realized.  And while each path is unique, there are commonalities that we can all share. One of these universal truths I have found to be consistent, is that kindness makes this journey easier.

When you join our calls, set an intention; have a question in mind or something to focus on.  This can be anything meaningful to you, like how to better listen to your own inner wisdom, how to better navigate a personal transformation process, how to clarify your life’s vision and see the best path forward, how to live more authentically, and more.

Then let it go, surrender to the process, drop any expectations and open up to experience how the conversations may help support you coming into deeper, meaningful contact with your own inner knowing.


Join the List

Enter your email below.

You will receive instructions for how to access the call.

You will also receive a complimentary reminder before each week’s call.

These calls are on hold.  Dr. Dan will be taking a break as he gets ready to launch Kuya Clinic in August.  The Integration calls may resume in the Fall, yet that is unknown.  We will keep you posted.

We look forward to connecting with you!

Your name and email is confidential and will never be given to anyone nor used on any other list.

You can’t force a flower to open. Yet you can offer it the right nourishment to support the process to happen in the best way.  Even if the opening is painful, there can still be beauty. Crisis precedes Transformation every time.

Goals for these calls help facilitate:  

  • The process of becoming more whole.
  • Finding the meaning in suffering.
  • Accessing truth in anything that comes your way.
  • Your own unique and authentic expression of connection and your connection to all of your relationships.
  • Building a vision for your life by more clearly envisioning the life you (and We) are here to serve. A life well-lived and well-loved.
  • When necessary, to use the pain of our past to stimulate the faith in our future.

Together, we will better understand the arc of adulthood and the amazing complexity of being a human on the planet right now.  This is one of THE missing conversations about adulthood we were never taught in school. We will do this together.

As the famous poet Rumi said, “this being human is a guest house, every morning a new arrival.”  This one precious life is going through significant change. It is time to come together again and share the journey.

To your health and happiness,

Dr. Dan


NOTE:  There is no cost to join these calls.  This is an offering from Dr. Dan to the community.  He will share his wisdom, resources, and answer questions. We are creating a safe space to come together for support.

Dr. Dan is not able to give individual medical advice on these group calls. *

Please Note: Dr. Dan’s  private practice is currently on hold. Dr. Dan is not able to accept new clients at the moment, and he may be booked for the foreseeable future.  The best way to stay connected to Dr. Dan and his future offerings is to sign up to receive his newsletter HERE.

Your name and email is confidential and will never be given to anyone nor used on any other list.


Obligatory disclaimer: This website and the weekly integration calls are provided for general informational purposes only and do not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this website and on the calls is at one’s own discretion. The content of this website and the calls are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard, or delay in obtaining, medical advice for any medical condition they may have, and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.

Listen To Recordings From Previous Calls

June 9, 2021 – Full Spectrum Living, Part 4 (Last call)

June 2, 2021 – Full Spectrum Living, Part 3

May 26, 2021 – Full Spectrum Living, Part 2

May 19, 2021 – Full Spectrum Living, Part 1

April 28, 2021:  Creating Full Spectrum Humans, Part 4

April 21, 2021:  Creating Full Spectrum Humans, Part 3

April 14, 2021:  Creating Full Spectrum Humans, Part 2

April 7, 2021:  Creating Full Spectrum Humans, Part 1

March 31, 2021: Soul Centered Medicine, Part 4

March 24, 2021: Soul Centered Medicine, Part 3

March 10, 2021: Soul Centered Medicine, Part 2

March 3, 2021: Soul Centered Medicine, Part 1

Feb. 24, 2021: Creating Harmony within the Self Part 2

Feb. 10, 2021: Creating Harmony within the Self Part 1

Jan. 27, 2021: Starting Fresh Part 4

Jan. 20, 2021: Starting Fresh Part 3

Jan. 13, 2021: Starting Fresh Part 2

Jan. 6, 2021: Starting Fresh Part 1

December 16, 2020: Empowerment Part 3

December 9, 2020: Empowerment Part 2

December 2, 2020: Empowerment Part 1

Nov 18, 2020: Initiation Part 3

Nov 11, 2020: Initiation Part 2

Nov 4, 2020: Initiation Part 1

Oct 28, 2020: Leaning into Fear Part 5
Oct 21, 2020: Leaning into Fear Part 4

Oct 14, 2020: Leaning into Fear Part 3

Oct 7, 2020: Leaning into Fear Part 2

Sept 30, 2020: Leaning into Fear Part 1
Sept 23, 2020: Faith, Truth and Beliefs
Sept 16, 2020: The Growth Opportunity That Fear Provides Part 2

Sept 9, 2020: The Growth Opportunity That Fear Provides Part 1

Aug 12, 2020: Reclaiming Happiness Part 10

Aug 5, 2020: Reclaiming Happiness Part 9

July 29, 2020: Reclaiming Happiness Part 8

July 22, 2020: Reclaiming Happiness Part 7

July 8, 2020: Reclaiming Happiness Part 6

July 1, 2020: Reclaiming Happiness Part 5

June 24, 2020: Reclaiming Happiness Part 3

June 10, 2020: Reclaiming Happiness Part 2

June 3, 2020: Reclaiming Happiness Part 1

May 27, 2020: Suffering As A Gateway Part 4

May 20, 2020: Suffering As A Gateway Part 3

May 13, 2020: Suffering As A Gateway Part 2

May 6, 2020: Suffering As A Gateway Part 1

April 22, 2020: How To Prepare For A Transformational Experience
April 15, 2020: I.Y.A. Roadmap Review
April 8, 2020: I.Y.A. Roadmap Part 3 of 3

April 1, 2020: I.Y.A. Roadmap Part 2 of 3

March 25, 2020: I.Y.A. Roadmap Part 1 of 3


IYA Roadmap

Human Drives
and Happiness

Listen To Recordings From Previous Calls


IYA Roadmap

Human Drives
and Happiness

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