Well wishes to all of you here.

We are all together indeed experiencing a global wake up call. This is a time to take an honest inventory of how we live our lives, individually and collectively. I’m wishing each of you ease, faith and proper action during this time.

There is much speculation about the times ahead, and it’s likely to get harder before it gets better – potentially for weeks to months.

I’ll be spending as much time in the sun, listening to uplifting music, reading inspired books from the great ones, hiking the hills outside our home, catching up on my To-Do list and spending time with those already closest to me.

I wish each of you similar avenues of self-care, loving kindness and support of those less able. Let us all send special consideration and prayers for comfort to those who are disconnected from loved ones, those who are homeless, those already infirmed and those who are feeling overwhelmed in the chaos to know the best path ahead for themselves and their families.

It is a testament of character to those who stay calm, clear, peaceful and loving in times of stress.

10 Steps to Taking Care of Yourself and Others During the Coronavirus

  1. Get Educated: do your homework, get the facts and make decisions that feel right.
    a. Notably – These decisions may not be easy or convenient.
  2. Stay calm and be easy with yourself and others
    a. Stress is the #1 cause of disease and weakened immunity.
  3. Wash your hands regularly. And use a hand sanitizer when you can’t wash.
    a. Wash your entire hands in warm water and soap for 20 seconds minimum.
  4. Social Distancing works. But SOCIAL ISOLATION does not.
    a. Viral outbreaks are spread through close contact
    b. Practice staying 6 feet apart and ask before any physical contact
    c. Also be Ok saying “no” and Ok if someone else says “no” too
    d. We are social beings and staying connected helps
    e. Virtual platforms and Face Times are great
  5. Take the Time: Practice the Art of Slowing Down and Simplicity
    a. This is a great time to learn and grow instead of fear and contract
    b. The lack of travel and running around may be a blessing in disguise
    c. Catch up on all the outstanding “To Dos”
    d. Pick up a hobby, book, art or other skill you’ve wanted to learn
  6. Get Hot: Take a sauna or hot baths and get your bare skin in the sunshine
    a. Viruses do not replicate as easily in heat. For every degree your temperature rises, the more cellular mechanisms are kicked in action to
    hunt down the infection and knock it out.
  7. Eat Smart and Sleep Deep:
    a. Eat Smart – eat light and clean
    i. Too much food and too late at night disrupts deep sleep
    ii. Get off the sugar – it severely suppresses the immune system
    b. Sleep Deep – this is the best way to recharge your immune system
    i. Best is cool room, totally dark, no screen time 2 hours prior to bed
  8. Move: dance, play, walk in nature, run, bike ride… it’s vital to staying vibrant.
    a. Exercise Wisely – overtaxing your body too much can also weaken immunity
  9. Extra Immune Boosters:
    a. Herbs: Cat’s Claw, Licorice, Clove, Elderberry and Olive Leaf
    b. Foods: My favorite daily cocktail
    i. Garlic, Ginger, Lemon juice, ACV, cayenne and raw honey
    c. General Supplements to consider: Iodine, Colloidal Silver, Zinc and Vitamins C, D, A and E
  10. KEEP LIVING. Stay optimistic. Stay Creative. Stay Strong in Spirit.
    Stay humble. Our best teachers come as our greatest challenges. Lead by example. Don’t panic. Breathe. Be smart. And above all Stay Loving to EVERYONE. This too shall pass.

Read further if you want to get deeper into the weeds…

The following list is not exclusive. There are other immune boosters out there to be sure. I am a doctor, but I’m not your doctor so you have to do your due diligence and research, get educated and make a decision that feels right for you. I have used this protocol and it has significantly supported me in times past.

This is a summation of recommendations by a host of highly informed colleagues including: Ben Greenfield, Matt Cook, Steve Wright, Gabriel Cousens, Craig Koniver and many others.

Now that we’ve gone through the basic Top 10 Strategies, here is the Stacked Immunity Protocol. This is for the onset of symptoms. For maintenance or prophylaxis during widespread outbreak – of which we are collectively in right now – take approximately half of the dosage. And the safe duration for an adult on this protocol is 7-10 days.

Once you see an onset of symptoms, this is per day:

  • 100,000 IU of Vitamin A
  • 50,000 IU of Vitamin D3
  • 2,000 mg of Vitamin C – 4x per day (or to bowel tolerance)
  • 30 mg of Zinc – 3x per day
  • 1,500 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) – 3x per day
  • 25mg of Iodine
  • 400mcg of Selenium
  • 3 servings of a broad spectrum methylated B-Complex
  • Mega Defense (broad spectrum mushroom blend) – 4 caps 2x per day
  • Black Elderberry Syrup – 1 tsp 3x per day
  • Colloidal Silver or Nano Silver of some kind – 1 tsp every 4 hours
  • Licorice Root Tincture 0.5ml in the AM (not for high blood pressure)

P.S. – Disclaimer – none of what is shared here is intended to prevent or treat COVID-19.
This is just information for supporting the immune system.


And please check with your own doctor if you have ANY preexisting conditions, especially liver or renal.

P.S.S. – For those interested in Cytokine Storm possibilities with Elderberry:
This is the opinion of one of the most well educated physicians I know in the field of Pediatric Auto-Immunity. Please read it if you have any concerns about Cytokine Storm with using Elderberry syrup. And as always, make the decisions for you and your family that feel aligned for you. Best wishes for health and happiness to you all.

Stay in High Spirits, Healthy and Happy.
Dr. Dan

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